YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Indiana State Week

<< < (10/10)

Loved how we controlled TOP in 2nd half despite dropped balls and penalties.  Go Guins!

Our running game disappeared when our center went down. The redshirt freshman is doing an acceptable job but the line play is just not the same. It won't matter much next week but we need Parker back for Murray State.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on November 04, 2023, 10:34:02 PM ---Our running game disappeared when our center went down. The redshirt freshman is doing an acceptable job but the line play is just not the same. It won't matter much next week but we need Parker back for Murray State.

--- End quote ---

We should be able to hang with SDSU for a while.  Our problem will be the fact that we won't get any pressure on their QB and they will be able to pick us apart.

We will have trouble running the ball on them and they will get pressure in us in the passing game.  Davidson will have to get rid of the ball quickly.  Special tes will have to play really well a d we can't have any stupid penalties.

We match up better this year than we have in many years (physically). And we're still young.  This team is ranked #1 for a reason.  They look unstoppable.  We need to try to keep it close as late as possible....that has to be the goal.


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