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Missouri State Week

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Need to tighten up on the tacking, and stop calling bonehead pass plays when it is obvious we need to run!  Third and one on our side of the field drove me nuts when we passed, and had two stud running backs to cram down the opposition's throats!

What is interesting about the defense is when they really needs big play, they usually get it.

We need to figure out how to win on the road this week.  Indiana State is no joke.  They should have beaten UND.

The SDSU game is probably going to be thr most significant game in many years. Start getting the world out about getting the community to that game


--- Quote from: Dmorton on October 29, 2023, 01:04:05 AM ---Need to tighten up on the tacking, and stop calling bonehead pass plays when it is obvious we need to run!  Third and one on our side of the field drove me nuts when we passed, and had two stud running backs to cram down the opposition's throats!

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I think some of that was intentional.  It's to help throw of statistical tendencies and force the opposing coaching staff to watch ALL of the film vs look at statistics and then validate them through the film.

However, I agree, it was nerve-wracking to watch us throw in 3rd and 1


--- Quote from: guinpen on October 28, 2023, 07:17:19 PM ---Nice win, we did what we had to do. D just is not where it needs to be, moments of looking good but still needs to step up. O looked good for most of the game but some of the play calls drive me crazy. Couple of times 3rd and 1 and we pass, especially the last time near the end of the game where we needed to be running time off the clock. No run game to speak of.

Zebras were very very bad. Did not favor one team over the other, spread their ineptness to both teams. Not sure what they get paid but it is too much.

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Agree on refs. They were inept. Penalties just seemed to be random. Missed a ton of calls and made phantom penalties. Very poor.

The refs were definitely bad yesterday. Calls and no calls and on either team. I assume our number 45 who was ejected for targeting will be available next week. I don't understand that call or targeting in general anymore.

As for our offense we are doing very well. I think MSU tried to stop our run game, but the pass game was there. Mitch is doing very well and to think he was behind Waid and the 3 star qb from Upper Arlington! Too bad the coaches didn't realize what he was about years earlier. Not sure if it was favoring recruits instead of a lowly walk-on or wanting a running qb instead of a pure passer. I went to scrimmages and my small group always thought Mitch was the best of the group. Much like Hunter Wells of Bo Pellini fame. He was not even taken on trips in our championship season and later in the season took us to the championship game. And our receivers are outstanding with number 2 and 0 leading the way. And our one two punch at rb is really good.

Now for our Defense. Really not up to playoff caliber. I think it is both personnel and scheme for our personnel. We can't cover 1 on 1 on the best receivers and with a four man rush we get no pressure. Even our blitz packages are not very effective. Need dramatic improvement to just win 2 of our last 3. SDSU looks really tough and to be in that game major improvement is needed. Not sure that is possible.

Special teams are ok. Kick offs are short, but covered well most of the time. Punting is ok to better than ok. Punt block needs to be strategically employed and not in certain situations. Seemed to be slowed down this past game which was smart. Field goal kicking is turning into a definite strength I never saw coming. Glad for our number 24 who seems to have both accuracy and range and no fear in difficult situations. A definite asset in close games.

Coaching is at times questionable. But they are young and will hopefully learn from the mistakes.  We will see in the final 3 games which could be 3 - 0 or 0 - 3.  Best guess is 2 - 1, but maybe we have a miracle up our sleave.


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