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Illinois State Week

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--- Quote from: InTheYo on October 22, 2023, 12:22:38 PM ---We played two seasons in 2021. The conference-only spring season and then the full fall season. Add in 2022 and now 2023, this is the 4th season for Phillips.

Big win by YSU yesterday. This league is deep and tough. UND getting shut out by UNI and USD (and UNI for that matter) struggling vs INSU proves that point. Yes we will be favored in 3 of last 4, but we better bring our "A" game each week or else one of these teams can upset you.

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6 games? We are counting 6 games?  That's practically a playoff run


--- Quote from: penguinpower on October 22, 2023, 10:27:58 AM ---
--- Quote from: YsuPride on October 22, 2023, 08:01:49 AM ---I'm sorry, but Phillips has had plenty of ample time to turn the program around period. Let's all stop Using that excuse of the covid year everybody had it. Defense was pathetic and I see it not getting any better.  we need a new defensive coordinator a new scheme, or something.

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we are in the middle of the 3rd season.  His handicap is that he stated with NOTHING.  It's a complete rebuild.  Listen to Mark Farley's comments about YSU.  He said that since Phillips has arrived Youngstown has returned to looking like a Missouri Valley team.  He said that it's been several years since we've had the players to match up.  He also said that YSU has this"will" about them to win games like we did in years past.

The roster is young. The guy has had 2 seasons, one of which was abbreviated. He's in the midst of his 3rd year and we are ready to fire him?  He doesn't even have his full roster playing yet. 

I find these kinds of remarks unfair and incoherent.  Name someone that would be a better replacement that we could get on our budget. 

If we doesn't win in year 5, then you can get critical.  What he and the team need is support. 

Look at the improvement in the national statistics.  You think Pelini was great?  He sucked at recruiting, which is 85% of the way you win.  He used Wolford's recruits to win and then the sharp drop off came because his recruiting sucked ass.

Games in the Missouri Valley Football Conference are not going to always go as you think.  People are ridiculous.


Who fired a coach after 3 years when significant progress is being made.

We have inexperienced coaches and inexperienced players.  That can be fixed.  As I've stated before, donate to the program for better assistant coaches if you want to see that kind of change.  The head coach is doing a fine job.  But it's ultimately up to the kids to clean up the critical penalties.

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The YO Show:
Attendance is disappointing given it was homecoming this last game. More people tailgating than actually came to the game.

I do think if they were 5-1 though they would have better attendance at the same time.


--- Quote from: guinpen on October 22, 2023, 02:32:37 PM ---Fan turnout sucks big-time. I have heard all the excuses, team deserves better.

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It's sad because most would rather watch the OSU game.  Its unfortunate that many "fans" loyalties lie with a team 3 hours away that they have no association with rather then the team within their own community or even their alma mater.

The dedicated fans were there. The casual fans were at home watching us on ESPN+ or watching OSU. Casual fans consider sports to be a television show and not a participatory event. They might come to the stadium on rare occasions but not when it is cold or damp. This will not change. Being fixated on attendance just reduces your enjoyment of the games.


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