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Illinois State Week

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--- Quote from: goodnews on October 21, 2023, 05:01:41 PM ---How many more excuses are we going to make for a bad coaching staff?  The staff is junk!  The program is junk.  Win or lose this team is headed nowhere.  Sorry, but enough is enough!

The clown head coach who thinks he's a Tressel prodigy makes me want to puke too.  His BS talk of calling them "young men" makes me want to smash my head against the wall.

--- End quote ---

Go find another team to root for.

We have played four quality league opponents in a row. We have two quality wins and no bad losses. Unlike last season when we had no quality wins and the bad loss to Missouri State. If the defense was just average how happy would we be this evening.

I just don't understand. In our secondary we have a guy who played at Ohio State and a guy who played some at Florida. The talent can't be this bad. The schemes must be terrible for we are making every quarterback we face look like some combination of Sammy Baugh, Johnny Unitas, and Joe Montana.

I'm a baseball guy so I can't talk about football with any authority. But I do have this question. If we can't touch a quarterback with a four-man rush and rarely apply any pressure when we do blitz, would it make any sense on third-and-long to rush three and play a four-four zone? If not that something else? Continuing to use the same ineffective defensive schemes is demonstrating Einstein's definition of insanity.

We won. Look at the roster.  Kids are young. They are inconsistent because they're young. We will get better.

Most coaches have a season to learm the league in an off-season.  While this is Phillips 3rd year, it's really his second year because the first year they played back to back seasons a few months apart (Covid spring season and then fall) and had to turn the roster, which was most important. 

The league is tough and games don't necessarily go the way you expect them to go. 

It's a W.  You are what your record says you are.

I'm sorry, but Phillips has had plenty of ample time to turn the program around period. Let's all stop Using that excuse of the covid year everybody had it. Defense was pathetic and I see it not getting any better.  we need a new defensive coordinator a new scheme, or something.

He may be FORCED to make changes to his staff in order to keep his job if we are left out of playoffs another year.   We are 3 years removed from covid so no excuses now.  Time to perform on the field.


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