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New -Stats and Coaches Polls to be Used by Playoff Selection Committee

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More information on the poll the beta male runs.  Anyhow, ALL of them should have to post their poll and list the reasons why they voted the way they did.  If you want the privilege to vote, you have to be able to defend your choices to place teams and take the criticism when you put Ivy League schools and the Delaware Blue Female Chickens at #8.

Defend it beta male, defend it. 


Here's the beta male bragging about his poll being used in playoff selections.


Apparently Stats FCS is still called the STATS poll but The Analyst is where it's now housed.  Beta male probably bankrupted the former businesses because he took so many years of losses the IRS was going to stop him by forcing him to declare his work a hobby.

Anyhow take a look at this home page and tell me it's not biased. Exclude the headlines referring to the Poll Results because those articles aren't sports journalism, they are reported poll results.


See the east coast bias?  It's awful.  The dude probably sits in his mother's basement and writes articles without actually seeing the teams for himself.  And he's probably been doing it for years. Yet, he's some "authority" figure in FCS football.  Craig Haley doesn't know sh**.  He just runs narratives for the CAA because they need all the help they can get with the loss of the Gay Pride Streamers (JMU) leaving for FBS.


--- Quote from: penguinpower on October 10, 2023, 04:22:56 AM ---Apparently Stats FCS is still called the STATS poll but The Analyst is where it's now housed.  Beta male probably bankrupted the former businesses because he took so many years of losses the IRS was going to stop him by forcing him to declare his work a hobby.

Anyhow take a look at this home page and tell me it's not biased. Exclude the headlines referring to the Poll Results because those articles aren't sports journalism, they are reported poll results.


See the east coast bias?  It's awful.  The dude probably sits in his mother's basement and writes articles without actually seeing the teams for himself.  And he's probably been doing it for years. Yet, he's some "authority" figure in FCS football.  Craig Haley doesn't know sh**.  He just runs narratives for the CAA because they need all the help they can get with the loss of the Gay Pride Streamers (JMU) leaving for FBS.

--- End quote ---

Man, you are really obsessed with the term “beta male”


--- Quote from: Kandrase on October 10, 2023, 03:21:58 PM ---
--- Quote from: penguinpower on October 10, 2023, 04:22:56 AM ---Apparently Stats FCS is still called the STATS poll but The Analyst is where it's now housed.  Beta male probably bankrupted the former businesses because he took so many years of losses the IRS was going to stop him by forcing him to declare his work a hobby.

Anyhow take a look at this home page and tell me it's not biased. Exclude the headlines referring to the Poll Results because those articles aren't sports journalism, they are reported poll results.


See the east coast bias?  It's awful.  The dude probably sits in his mother's basement and writes articles without actually seeing the teams for himself.  And he's probably been doing it for years. Yet, he's some "authority" figure in FCS football.  Craig Haley doesn't know sh**.  He just runs narratives for the CAA because they need all the help they can get with the loss of the Gay Pride Streamers (JMU) leaving for FBS.

--- End quote ---

Man, you are really obsessed with the term “beta male”

--- End quote ---

He defines it.  So I simply substituted his name


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