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SIU Week

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IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: The YO Show on October 09, 2023, 09:15:39 PM ---IAA, I am thinking YSU gets another signature win this week against SD, even if it is ugly because we do poorly in domes (hope I'm wrong and it is a clear victory but we will see). If we win out then lose to SDSU, I think we make playoffs at 8-3 and do some damage.

I still like our odds against SDSU if only because this team is hungry, and SDSU is playing us the week after the Dakota Marker game.

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Could not agree more. 8-3 YSU (with the right wins) should still be a "lock" for the play-off.  My fear is the SIU coaches "lack of fear" for YSU & what that shows other teams. I mean, we were not able to do anything for much of Q2 and all of Q3 against the Saluki D. Not once, but twice, the SIU coach (still with 2 TDs of a win went for it on 4th and long ...deep in their own territory. He was looking to shake the game loose and saw that we could do nothing. He was absolutely right. We had a missed FG and a made FG. This FG was after we had a great INT and returned it to the 1.5 yard-line. What did we do with it? We kicked a FG from the 4.5 yard-line after being pushed back 3-yards on 3 plays. No fumbles, no penalties... we were just driven back by the obviously stronger Saluki D-line.

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on October 10, 2023, 08:10:20 AM ---
--- Quote from: The YO Show on October 09, 2023, 09:15:39 PM ---IAA, I am thinking YSU gets another signature win this week against SD, even if it is ugly because we do poorly in domes (hope I'm wrong and it is a clear victory but we will see). If we win out then lose to SDSU, I think we make playoffs at 8-3 and do some damage.

I still like our odds against SDSU if only because this team is hungry, and SDSU is playing us the week after the Dakota Marker game.

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Could not agree more. 8-3 YSU (with the right wins) should still be a "lock" for the play-off.  My fear is the SIU coaches "lack of fear" for YSU & what that shows other teams. I mean, we were not able to do anything for much of Q2 and all of Q3 against the Saluki D. Not once, but twice, the SIU coach (still with 2 TDs of a win went for it on 4th and long ...deep in their own territory. He was looking to shake the game loose and saw that we could do nothing. He was absolutely right. We had a missed FG and a made FG. This FG was after we had a great INT and returned it to the 1.5 yard-line. What did we do with it? We kicked a FG from the 4.5 yard-line after being pushed back 3-yards on 3 plays. No fumbles, no penalties... we were just driven back by the obviously stronger Saluki D-line.

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Not sure what you mean with (with the right wins)  We have 2 now, so assuming we go down to SDSU that requires 5-0 in the balance of the season. Frankly that's pretty optimistic.  I agree with you often but not always. Never further apart than (the obviously stronger saluki d-line)  I couldn't disagree more. First three drives obviously established ysu as superior inside on both sides of the ball.


--- Quote from: penguinpower on October 09, 2023, 09:41:15 AM ---
We are built to go far in the playoffs, but we don't control the politics there.  Considering that we've never made it unless we finish in the top 2 of the conference going back 20 years, including being left out in year with 8 wins, we have to be better than everyone else.  In 2016 we were the last ones in, had to go in the road and beat everyone in our way to the championship.  The bias is real and it's another challenge we have to deal with that other media darlings don't have to deal with, but it makes us better and ensures that our playoff record is outstanding.  That's the side benefit of higher standardsnset for YSU. 

And our conference commissioner is weak and doesn't help us, although she gives us lip service that she does. 

It is what it is. We have the proof to show everyone.  How did Delaware make it last year losing their last 3-4 games while we won ours?  How do we not make it when we had an FBS win and a 7 win record? That sh** has happened for years. 

Time to accept a higher bar.  If we get in this year we will do damage.

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We did have two home games in the 2016 playoffs.  But yes, two big road wins at Jacksonville State and Eastern Washington.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on October 09, 2023, 06:13:41 PM ---I am not looking for credibility to begin with, but I have never said that I expect Phillips to make the post season (this year) to keep his job. I do expect something substantial. A victory over UNI was a clear expectation for me, as I know how poor I think that the Panthers are. Now the win over SIU was another game that I expected, and I got my wish; but that is still not substantial. He still has a few games to prove himself.

I still support Jon Heacock and Shane Montgomery to this day. Heacock gave us hugely entertaining games and an extremely competitive team; this despite being strapped down with playing "Tressel Football". I mean come one, even Tressel himself never played that style of offense at OSU. Heacock left only one year after changing offenses, which he should not have done. He should have stuck around for a few more years to see how it would have worked. Better yet, he should have changed the offense earlier and he would still be here today, or at least retiring. I have been saying the same thing about Phillips, as he is a Tressel hire and he is playing Tressel ball once again (for the most part). But this is 4-years. Montgomery needs no justification, his success at YSU was massive. Despite this, YSU did not give him the team.

Secondly, we dumped Eric Wolford after about this same time & he had some decent players as well. I respect how Phillips rebuilt our lines, where Wolford basically told most of our defense to "get lost". However, after that early debacle, Wolf really did nothing to deserve losing his job, aside from being here when Pelini was looking for work.

As to me being hypocritical ... no I do not feel so. If you think that Phillips has given us even a small fraction of the teams that Jon Heacock gave us (even in his second 4-years), then you have no expectations for improvement. YSU fans no longer have the expectation of playing Tressel ball, they just want to win at any cost. Just look how Pelini raped our team but people still loved him because he won. BTW: Tressel never won the conference & he had his backside handed to him by GA Southern in his final game as a Penguin, so just how truly-full was the cupboard that he left? Maybe somewhat full for an independent, but not enough food to survive as a Gateway/MVFC club.

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Jon Heacock tanked this program.  Whatever exciting games he had (I will grant you the 2006 playoffs were exciting), the end result was this program was way, and I mean way worse when he left compared to when he took over.

I remember trying to listen to his coach's show on the radio back in the day.  He would just make these lame excuses.  He was painful to listen to.  YSU should have never renewed his contract.

 Heacock was saved by a guy called  Marcus Mason.
Wolford would still be here if we had better Asst coaches.
Pelini was saved by the catch, and a guy named Hunte.
Phillips knew the vest and had $$$ behind him.
Schedule is in our favor this year without the Bison.  No excuse

The failure here for all is the AD never found a way to secure more money for the coaches. 
So we got what we paid for garbage in garbage out.


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