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SIU Week

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What’s really sad about the secondary is that they are experienced??!!  I could see if it was a young secondary but this is a travesty. I too also blame the lack of pass rush by the front 7 on this debacle. Can’t give quality QBs the amount of time to go through that many progressions. 6th year Nick Baker comes to town and this will not be pretty.  Has already thrown for 1100 yards. We are in for a long game unless this defense figures out how to get some stops, not jump off sides, and get some pressure on him!

Go Guins!

We continue to cover wide receivers with line backers.  We need to go back to the 2 LB 5 DB line up like Pelini used. 

Defense was porus under pelini as well.

IAA Fan:
Nothing is coming out of his press conferences. This week's is almost a joke. We should have done a serious number on UNI. Instead he tells us that not only was our run coverage terrible, so was our pass coverage. As if w needed to be told. We should be a much better team than Weber State. Weber may make the post season, but it is long-shot. This opportunity to win (and win big) against UNI will not present itself again until Farley retires.. We have 3 more losses on our schedule, even if we do show up and play. Hint, this Saturday is not one of them. That is one loss too many for any kind of post-season. UNI will not make the post-season either. I really am asking for Phillips to "turn in his badge". With the portal there is no hope for this team. I know it sounds drastic, but we have no choice.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on October 03, 2023, 04:23:15 PM ---Nothing is coming out of his press conferences. This week's is almost a joke. We should have done a serious number on UNI. Instead he tells us that not only was our run coverage terrible, so was our pass coverage. As if w needed to be told. We should be a much better team than Weber State. Weber may make the post season, but it is long-shot. This opportunity to win (and win big) against UNI will not present itself again until Farley retires.. We have 3 more losses on our schedule, even if we do show up and play. Hint, this Saturday is not one of them. That is one loss too many for any kind of post-season. UNI will not make the post-season either. I really am asking for Phillips to "turn in his badge". With the portal there is no hope for this team. I know it sounds drastic, but we have no choice.

--- End quote ---

I couldn't disagree more.


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