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Bobby Mo week

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Not watching the  game I guess  someone said Brungard is receiving Punta.  First pretty stupid if he is QB2.  Unless he’s not the QB of thd future. 

Guess it helps being a legacy player and the HC having ties to Springfield HS and Salem lol!  YSU will never grow up.

Bobby Morris was completely overmatched.

That being said....we need to do better in the passing game on defense.

48-14 was the real score.  The rest was garbage time


--- Quote from: YSU FAN#34 on September 16, 2023, 04:11:24 PM ---Why the hell is Brungard receiving punts?

--- End quote ---

My thoughts also, not sure if he actually had a return but why have him back there?

We had very little pressure on the qb in the 1st half only rushing 4 most of the time. Thought our rushing game was not what it could have been.

Pass defense is terrible.  No pressure on qb, dbs cannot cover a good receiver.  If the coaches don’t get this fixed prior to league play we are in trouble.


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