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YSU poor handicap parking

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I have been a season ticket holder for football and basketball since 1982. My impression is that the university treats you like royalty if you rent a loge or give generously through the Penguin Club. If you buy season tickets but do not give any donations, the university ignores you. If you are a casual fan who might buy a single game ticket, the university treats you like dirt.

Double ET,
Is not the guy that still runs parking the son of the trustee who got drunk, stumbled into Fifth Avenue, got struck by a university vehicle, and then sued the university? If so, nepotism at its worst.

Double ET:
Wick250, you nailed it. There were general discussions among the faculty members…..” how the hell could he hold the job?


--- Quote from: Wick250 on September 06, 2023, 05:16:20 PM ---I have been a season ticket holder for football and basketball since 1982. My impression is that the university treats you like royalty if you rent a loge or give generously through the Penguin Club. If you buy season tickets but do not give any donations, the university ignores you. If you are a casual fan who might buy a single game ticket, the university treats you like dirt.

Double ET,
Is not the guy that still runs parking the son of the trustee who got drunk, stumbled into Fifth Avenue, got struck by a university vehicle, and then sued the university? If so, nepotism at its worst.

--- End quote ---

I've been a season ticket holder since they played their final season at Fitch. Tressell send me a letter congratulating me on my 10 year anniversary as a season ticket holder. I thought that was a class act and showed appreciation. I got nothing since then. I have 6 tickets, I totally agree, they simply don't care.

IAA Fan:
I remember when they gave the faculty the option to purchase their seats when they were building the stadium. It was Narduzzi's idea. Very smart guy. Much smarter than he appeared. My dad bought two of them. Then I bought 2 more in my dad's name. Mine were $600 each I believe (could have been $1200 each). I bought one for myself and one for my daughter. I paid for mine, but faculty had the cost deducted from their paycheck over several years. We still have to pay for our tickets, but we get first choice on anything that happens in the stadium. In the days where YSU was good, they always called and asked us if we were going to use our tickets in the play-off games. So if we were not going, they could resell them.

We always tailgated in the "cheap lot" and the handicapped busses parked there, so we always had a ride if we needed it. For years it was on the back side of Lincoln (toward town). Then the moved it next to the Taco Bell on the campus side of Lincoln. (Or is that Wick? I am forgetting the streets anymore, I have been living out of town for so long).


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