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Ohio State Week

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Some thoughts….

Interesting game and can’t be too mad about how it finished. Yes 35-7 is never good but considering the legitimacy of OSU, this was good. We played hard and competed. I also think we were down our starting CB for the first half, correct? I think if Davidson stays in on the one drive where Beau throws a pick we at least have a chance at 10. I disagree with on of the previous comments about not having a HR threat. I disagree. I think King is explosive enough & we have 3 WRs I think can break a game open staring with Oliver. King should get 15-20 touches. It’s nice to see a balanced offense with Mitch at the helm. Beau looks gritty but I worry his size will not hood up in MVFC if he is to be the starter next year.
Did anyone else heart drop into their stomach when they saw Oliver’s knee bend like that? sigh of relief when he got up on his own and hobbled it off. If this team doesn’t shoot itself in the foot i think 9-2 or 8-3 are very realistic expectations.

We were outgained 464 to 234.  12 first downs to 23.  We ran the clock to at least 10 seconds to keep them off the field.  The new rules now the NCAA runs the clock to thd findl 2 mins of the half instead of stopping the clock at every first down.  So yes the score could have bern worse but again it wax obvious The Buckeyes were working on different situations with their offense.  As for thd rb King.  He’s no Webb Mason or Jaleel.  But he again I saw a lot of good things I think Tomzak a x the other WR The will help us because other teams will try to double Oliver.
After we got down by 21 we went really conservative and werent really trying to score.  What were your guys thoughts on Brungard.


--- Quote from: guinpen on September 04, 2023, 09:30:06 AM ---
--- Quote from: Dmorton on September 03, 2023, 12:01:00 PM ---At least the money is kept in state this time around with this game!

--- End quote ---

That is one good thing.

Score does not matter, learn from the game, do not get hurt, get ready for the next game.

--- End quote ---

Check, check, check get ready for Bobby!

One thing I observed in Q3 and spilling into Q4.   Here's YSU's stats against their defense:
1.  11 plays 40 yards 7:36 interception
2.  3 plays 7 yards 2:21 Punt
3. 6 plays 28 yards 4:08 Punt

In Q4 Ohio State took the ball on a 13 play 81 yard drive and YSU forced them to turn it over on downs.

YSU responded with a 10 play 89 yard drive that ended in downs.

While they did have the QB rotation going on, we played them even in Q4.  That's saying a lot because they really didn't take their starters out.

You don't ever expect an FCS team to be competitive late in the game, but we were competitive and didn't look fatigued.  Part of that was how the coaching staff used the new clock rule to their advantage, shortening the game.  But on the flip side of that, we were nearly 60 plays into the game and still holding up.   We played a lot of players and there wasn't a big drop off. So we saw kids in good shape for the season and some depth we haven't had in a long time.  This is super exciting, because we have a lot of promise/potential this year.  I can see it.

If you went back and watched the Appalachian State upset if Michigan, you would see how exhausted the players were on App State.....they were making shoestring low probability plays and willing their way to a win toward the end of the game.

YSU didn't look tired against Ohio State. YSU didn't look like they were in the same kind of struggle App State was in late in the game.  In fact we look like we belonged there to a large degree. Whoever is training and physically developing these kids is doing a great job. That coach needs to be highlighted at some point. The Penguins didn't look fatigued and they were converting 3rd-N- medium and 3rd-N- short on the ground, up the middle and off tackle in Q4. 

Ohio State wanted to get us off the field to cover the spread and they couldn't. Ryan Day is taking heat over this game by the fan base.  They were expecting a Major blowout.  Think about this for a moment: OHIO STATE's defense couldn't get YSU off the field in Q3 and especially Q4..

YSU's secondary won't see that caliber of receivers the remainder of the season.  That being said, we need to fix the blown coverage issues in the secondary.

I am happy with how well we moved Ohio State's  DL.  The OL gets the game ball to me.

By the way, isn't this how the old Tressel teams won games? Remember the OL in comparison to our level of competition at the time?  The road graders would help us get those "championship drives" late in games where we had to possess the ball.  We may have that kind of OL this year.  With our skill at receiver and our RB room.  We will be dangerous this year.

But we have to stop the penalties.  It cost us drives against Ohio State

Double ET:
My main criticism for the last couple years had been on us starting the wrong QB. I am still in the opinion that, if we started Davis last year, we could very well have made it to the playoff.

The future of the college game might need to start putting more emphasis on the transfer portal. Sanders got large number of new players this year via transfer portal in Colorado and he instantaneous turns the program around by beating TCU and Nebraska in the first two game.

With the exposure of the OSU game, we might able to get a few 1A transfers next year. I hope the bench warmers at OSU were paying attention to this game.


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