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Valpo Game Thread

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What was with the sound system?  We went from bad to good to not hearing a thing!

Go Guins!

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: goodnews on September 02, 2023, 09:24:26 PM ---Playoffs or bust!  Everyone else had to deal with covid too.  Keep in mind the coach is going nowhere.  The AD doesn't generate enough money to pay for a replacement.

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Does any team goodnews? Everyone knows this was a Tressel hand-pick so now you cannot attack the AD, so you look for another item to attack him with. Despite the fact that we make good money as a program. Don't compare YSU to anyone else, as they are not the same. We now pay our players as much as anyone else (At our level). We still have top facilities. You have nothing to complain about. If you do not like the coach, send a letter to Florida c/o Tressel. If you do not like the recruits, blame the staff and the portal.  There is no more looking at how good your coaches are; it is now how much you pay players and how well coaches perform in the portal. Look at that idiot at Colorado. First he ruins the game with his inability to tackle, now he further ruins the game with his obvious lack of coaching skill and experience leading a PAC-10 team. That is the game of football for the rest of yours and my lives.

We know how to bring the crowds back, but it starts with winning. After that it is educating your fan base. Phillips has begun to do surprisingly-well in that aspect of the game. He is correcting reporters and still comes out as a pleasant coach. I would like to hear more from our assistants each week.

IAA Fan:
King is your TB. Best back we have had since Ruiz. Nice to see a bit of size.

Davidson showed leadership skills. Brungard is not now, nor ever should be the future of this team.

WR corps looking solid.

Kilpatrick is a very pleasant surprise at Punter.

We are loaded at DB and LB. Should be interesting.

1AA, I'm simply saying playoffs or bust because of our facilities and favorable conference schedule.  The coach is in his 4th year and should make the playoffs based on the many positives that u outlined in your response.   All u did is confirm there aren't any excuses.  I think Phillips has done an admiral job considering the challenges that exist at YSU.  Its clear YSU needed a cheap, clean coach that wanted to be here and was somehow connected to the program. 


--- Quote from: goodnews on September 03, 2023, 12:05:52 PM ---1AA, I'm simply saying playoffs or bust because of our facilities and favorable conference schedule.  The coach is in his 4th year and should make the playoffs based on the many positives that u outlined in your response.   All u did is confirm there aren't any excuses.  I think Phillips has done an admiral job considering the challenges that exist at YSU.  Its clear YSU needed a cheap, clean coach that wanted to be here and was somehow connected to the program.

--- End quote ---

Sorry, I must’ve misunderstood. I completely agree with you. That’s one of the reasons I like to see some of the assistants. We may have somebody there.


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