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Maybe it’s time to realign FCS Conferences and set up playoffs in a BCS format?

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--- Quote from: IAA Fan on August 10, 2023, 09:36:11 AM ---I cannot agree with ignoring some of the conferences. We only have one national champion. Great teams are never going to experience the reward of a national title, you have to give them something else to play for. We need to start recognizing other accomplishments. For example Conference champs. I even recommend that they start recognizing the regional winners. ALL conferences (that wish) need to be recognized and participate. I mean the NCAA FCS has 11 conferences that can send teams to the post-season (12 if you include independents). The NCAA has these conferences/teams divided into regions. There are existing breakdowns and they should be used. Each year we should have (and reward):

- Conference champions = 11
- Regional Champions = 4
- National champion = 1

The entire post season should be built around this. Think about it. We could have a flag in Stambaugh that says 2019 "NCAA NE regional champions". After all, that is what we were. You cannot ignore conferences because you think they are weaker than others. After all, recognizing regional and conference champs will increase the quality of recruiting; which in turn strengthens the conference ... and the FBS Division. That, my friends, is what the role of the NCAA should be.

Also, Seeded teams need weaker first-round teams in the play-off. It is these weaker conference teams that should be seeded against them.

--- End quote ---

Don't see that folks would get all twitterpated about a regional championship flag, but I could be wrong. Also do not see where it would help recruiting.

It is not a matter of ignoring any conference, just like it is not a matter of giving preference to another conference. It is all about giving the best 16 schools a chance to determine who is best on the field. Going 11-0 in a weak conference against weak non-conference schools does not mean you deserve to make the top 16. Talk to your AD about beefing up the schedule.

Keep humans out of the equation, perfect application for a computer.

IAA Fan:
I do not agree.This entire area is addicted to HS sports. So is Columbus. When I was younger and we walked into a HS gym and it was loaded with banners (conference, district, sectional, state, etc.), it was impressive. You knew that you were facing a powerhouse. I am suggesting the same concept for the FCS/I-AA division. Will it help the upper teams recruit? Probably not if they have national championship banners; but for 90%+ of the teams in FCS (none of which have any national championships), it can mean quite a bit. Recruits do see those things, in a big way. You are an adult watching a storied football team. Recruits are in HS, they do not remember the 1990's. Nor do they care.

I feel quite different AA i was surprised how little coverage there is for high school sports in Columbus. Dispatch stopped even listing scores for any HS sports. Lived here for well over 20 years and have always been disappointed in coverage here. It’s OSU or nothing.



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