YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics


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I meant to say Ohio Christian not Ohio Dominican.

Double ET:
From today’s Tribune/Vindy:


Calhoun had a press conference yesterday and mentioned that starting April 1st renovations to Beeghly will take place.   Thank God and that is great news. I am sure more to come on the scope of the renovations.
Cannot wait.      Go Guins!!!

Penguin Nick:
I just looked at the starting times of the home games.  What's up with a 6:30pm start time?  7pm was perfect, no one starts games at 6:30pm.  Is there a reason for this new start time?


--- Quote from: Penguin Nick on November 01, 2023, 09:23:57 AM ---I just looked at the starting times of the home games.  What's up with a 6:30pm start time?  7pm was perfect, no one starts games at 6:30pm.  Is there a reason for this new start time?

--- End quote ---

The party line is that we want to attract more kids. Nobody seems capable of understanding that parents need to bring the kids to the games. A parent with a 9-5 job goes home, dines, and drives to the campus for a 7:00 tip. A tight schedule but workable. A 6:30 start time will eliminate those families. YSU athletic marketing at its finest.


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