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Calhoun press conference and the future

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Ed Muranski

Penguin Nick:
After this amazing and fun season, with great crowds, finally...maybe now the university brass may actually say:  "geez, maybe we actually can make a lot of money in men's basketball!"  I saw Mr. Muranski at Wednesday's game (I think he goes to many games), his seat was courtside, I will take a guess and say he will donate a large amount of money towards a new/renovated Beeghley.

Muransky, Covelli, DeBartolo, Cafaro. Take your pick. Somebody needs to step up.

Someone needs to step up sooner than later. Hopefully we can get a donor and make plans for next off season remodel of Beeghly or even a new arena .  SOON

First, I do not think that a new building is needed, a redo within the same area will do nicely.

Guessing that we could use Covelli while the work is being done.

Enough money to do it with the names already mentioned, maybe two of them could share the naming rights.


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