YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Oklahoma State

<< < (6/10) > >>

Need to box out.  Find your man and put a body on him flash to the ball with two hands.

They're the more talented team so I'm happy we're competing.

YSU definitely outplayed them the first half, too bad the lead is only 4. They drilled that long 3 at the buzzer & we had an easy basket had 2 of our players not crashed into each other. Had some chances to grab some rebounds & loose balls but they seemed to get several that were ours for the taking & they converted. YSU played good enough to be up 7 or 9.

Hopefully YSU can keep the intensity up in the 2nd half. Going to have to keep hitting 3's & grab some rebounds

Thought that we tried to go inside too much in the 2nd half.

Nothing to be ashamed of.  Okie had bigger and better athletes.   YSU had nothing inside and they needed to have an exceptional three point shooting game which did not happen.

I just left Beeghley assuming it was a sellout. I asked Ticket Office Attendant and she said 4,000-not as many students.. Announced crowd was 4.009. Hard to believe.


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