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IAA Fan:

It was the last thing coach said on the radio interview. He could have meant nice working with you THIS SEASON, but I don't know.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on March 16, 2023, 09:06:55 AM ---Mudclods:

It was the last thing coach said on the radio interview. He could have meant nice working with you THIS SEASON, but I don't know.

--- End quote ---

I assumed that's what you meant after I listened to the post-game press conference, and maybe if you only had heard that sound bite, but just before that he sounded pretty committed to next year and said they'll get to work today. 

You made it sound like because he has nothing coming back he's going to make an announcement today he's not returning.  The same could have been said last year and look at the transfers he brought in along with John Lovelace. 

Robb Schmidt did say on the post-game Brandon Rush was coming back.   

Need to hit the portal for some inside DUDES.  6-8 or better.  Not skinny either.


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