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CSU vs NKU Horizon league championship

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I'm going with CSU and would not be surprised if NKU  wins (sound like a politician ).   CSU seems to be playing their best basketball late in the season and guys like Tae Williams and Drew Lowder are reallying playing at a higher level than earlier.    Chris Brandon of NKU played fantastic last night but I'm thinking CSU's Deante Johnson can match up well with him.

Enaruna of CSU and NKU's Warrick will get their points but Coach Horn of NKU has shown that he can really game plan.
Got of give coach Robinson of CSU a lot of credit for putting this team together after coach Gates left and took his best two players to Mizzou.  Robinson had an easier time than coach C did since 6 years ago players couldn't transfer in right away.    I know a lot of you don't really care since YSU lost but I would like to see a Horizon league team do something in the NCAA tournament.

I'm going with CSU too.  I have some personal ties to CSU and was hoping for a northeast Ohio championship showdown. Disappointed YSU couldn't get to the NCAA's to be sure, but it was great to have so many competitive and meaningful games and fans in the seats at Beeghly this year! 


Once again NKU defense was suffocating where they turn you over or get their hands in the passing lanes that leads to steals.   Coach Horn has this team playing team basketball.  Too bad they're going to be a 16 seed.

I thought CSU overall athletes would get the job done as I thought with YSU.   Might be underestimating NKU's overall talent.

I have to honestly say that Northern Kentucky and Cleveland State were better than YSU. YSU was the best offensive team in the conference, but lacked the defense and rebounding that generally wins at tournament time. It was still a great year for YSU…one that stirred the greatest interest in our student body that I can remember.


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