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If what I read is true the NCAA keeps all ticket sales.  I assume YSU keeps concession sales and parking.  Also, the traveling team gets their expenses reimbursed.  In addition,  each school is paid  $4,000 for each game played.

GoodNews where did you find that info??


--- Quote from: goodnews on March 14, 2023, 02:40:32 PM ---If what I read is true the NCAA keeps all ticket sales.  I a$$ume YSU keeps concession sales and parking.  Also, the traveling team gets their expenses reimbursed.  In addition,  each school is paid  $4,000 for each game played.

--- End quote ---

I heard all teams split the pot at the end of the tournament. The more games you play, the more you make.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on March 13, 2023, 10:38:12 PM ---What is the injury status of Malek Green?  If he can not play, it might get ugly real fast.

--- End quote ---
Malek will be playing


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