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Too early to tell or figure out our next opponent or if we do get a home game it may be a game vs Duquesne.  I don't know if they got eliminated from their conference tournament.   But most likely on the road.  Depends on the rest of the conference tournaments .  Way too early

Watching Cleve. st put a whopping on Milwaukee

Brandon Rush is eligible to return next year.  I heard it on the halftime show.   Rest of seniors i have no clue because of the covid rule

Coach may have to hit the portal again!  I don't think three true freshmen and one 6'4 junior guard will cut it! But I think if anyone can keep us competitive, it is Coach C!

He does have 4 signed for next  year. One of them is 7-3. One 6-8 and he looks really good.  The other w are 6-4.  But I think he will hit the portal again.  One  of the 6-4 guys is a juco that looks good.  Recruiting seems to be Calhoun niche.


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