YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics


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Game is on the road at IUPUI Saturday at 7pm.  I hope we are ready.  At the same time is a big game as CSU plays Milwaukee in Wisconsin.   Big game for who wants the title.  YSU wins Saturday night then the worst we can do is share the title CSU if they win on the road.  Greenbay plays CSU  tonight as well.  Lots of games in League play tonight.   Some have playoff spot implications.

Hard for me to imagine CSU losing to Green Bay.  Milwaukee has been struggling of a late, but they could knock off CSU at home.  They play PFW tonight. 


--- Quote from: mudclods on February 23, 2023, 09:35:54 AM ---Hard for me to imagine CSU losing to Green Bay.  Milwaukee has been struggling of a late, but they could knock off CSU at home.  They play PFW tonight.

--- End quote ---

I was thinking the same.

Remember GreenBay defeated Milwaukee at Milwaukee like 3 weeks ago.   It can happen.  Lets hope it does.

So Cleveland st.  losing to GreenBay 1st half and RMU losing late to IUPUI. 


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