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YSU in Wisconsin

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Robb commented something on the bright spots of the game and coach said that it is that mentality that is not acceptable.    Coach Calhoun just wants to win the league.  I'm not sure what was actually said but he didn't like it.

I think he said something about a successful trip on the road winning 3 of 4 games!  Coach was not happy!

I was listening to the post game interview and really did not hear anything that should of got Coach annoyed.   I thinked he was pissed about how the game went and was in no mood to talk about it.

I'm sure Coach C and Rob have a decent relationship and coach in his own time will probably tell Rob sorry about losing his cool.  No big deal and Rob surely understands and probably didn't take it personal.

I tried to go back & listen to the post game interview with Coach on the radio & it looks like it was cut out. Anyone know what was said?

It was one of those games where YSU's lack of hitting shots (4-21 from 3) translated into poor defense on the other end.  In addition they hit so many shots, even contested ones that were demoralizing. 

I know it was early, but I thought that 3 that Rush hit that got waived off with the shot clock violation and some missed FTs really hurt.  Once YSU got down 10 late in the first half they could never gets stops and make any runs.   

Covington only played 3 mins & 2 for Hunter.  With Shemar out, a team that seemed so deep early in the year, the bench has all but disappeared. 

So halfway through Horizon League play YSU is 7-3 losing to both teams tied for first place on the road.  They are a game back, but right now lose the tiebreaker to both NKU & Milwaukee so in essence are back 2 games. 

Anything less than top four is unacceptable!


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