YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

YSU in Wisconsin

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Green started out with 3 airballs.   He needs to stay in the post and go to work.   UMW playing good defense.

Got punched in the mouth tonight. Lots of work to do.... Nights like this happen, especially when you can't defend and grab defensive rebounds. Regroup for Friday..

Lost by 13.  Could have been worse.  If only we connected on more 3's it could have been different.   Congrats to Milwaukee.  Payback next time at home.  Now to Friday on ESPN2.  9pm tip.   YSU needs to take a day off tomorrow.   Got hammered tonight.   YSU is tied for 2nd with Cleve. state.   

Let's not lay an egg Friday in front of a national audience.  Oakland has something to prove being that we beat them at their place a week ago.   Don't be surprised it goes down to the end.  Need at least 5k fans in attendance and all loud.  We can do it.

Sounds like Robb hit a nerve with coach Calhoun.  Coach put him in place.


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