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--- Quote from: ucfpengbuck on January 05, 2023, 10:02:18 PM ---I missed the post game so coach says that was their best defense during his tenure ?

Team had only 5 turnovers tonight .   Like seeing Mcbride getting minutes.  Brice got better as the game went along.   Covington's play tonight was encouraging.  Is it me or does he look a little thicker this year ?  Garrett's coming off the achillies injury which is one of the worst to come back from.

Duane Cohill 23 pts on 9 of 12 shooting 7 a$$ists 3 steals and only 1 turnover equates to an almost perfect performance.

--- End quote ---

Yes he said on both the radio and the press conference it was their best defensive effort he thought in his tenure.  The one game that came to my mind was the Milwaukee game a few years ago at Milwaukee. 

I thought the same thing on Covington's size.  I noticed him not looking at as quick, but don't remember him looking that big earlier in the season.

I really like McBride's play.  He has great intensity on defensive.  He struggles from 3-PT but is automatic at the FT line...44 of 45! 


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