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New FBS Conference forming. But Hey! We play in the SEC of FCS!

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Penguin Nick:
Thank you Pete for sharing the link - brings back memories (and anger).  Just think what could have been had we been invited.  I will say this though, back then our athletic facilities were not good, other then Stambaugh. 

Double ET:

--- Quote from: peteonastick on December 16, 2022, 08:50:34 AM ---Lest we forget:


Go Guins!

--- End quote ---
Thank you for sharing the link.
Many subsequent analysis on why YSU was not invited to join MAC suggested that it had more to do with our inability to meet the budgetary requirements than the other member school (UA & KSU) blocking us.
We didn’t do our homework and we were hoping that was good enough. It wasn’t. Other schools (Buffalo) simply made a better business case and commitment.

As it turns out, we might not be able to sustain the financial pressure and dropped back down to FCS.

Watching bowl teams UTSA VS TROY and neither one of them have the facilities at time of going to FCS.  This can be said for UMASS ETC.   UMASS IS A JOKE OF FCS.

Nor did they win crap when they were in fcs.  No championships.

Florida international,  Florida Atlantic, coastal Carolina, UMass never won anything in the FCS PRIOR to moving to FBS.
Just food for thought.  We have 0 interest in FBS. SHAME ON STROLLO AND HIS DONORS.


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