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Dan Rivers local media radio questions why we are in MVFC? His Facebook post.

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--- Quote from: BushwoodCC on December 18, 2022, 12:38:13 PM ---I am seeing a lot of opinions and emotion in this thread.... What I would like to see from those of you who want YSU to leave the MVFC is your well thought-out plan for YSU to go elsewhere.

1. Name the conference

2. The justification of why we should go to that conference

3. The justification as to why that conference would accept YSU

4. How we could financially afford such a move

It is easy to say we need to get out of the MVFC, but I think those who feel that way will have a more challenging time putting the complete package together for us to leave. The onus is on you, but perhaps I will be proven wrong? Let's hear it!

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This is easy, conference dos not exist yet, schools we can relate to, no idea what the cost would be since it would be new.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: guinpen on December 18, 2022, 12:25:07 PM ---The great thing about opinions is that we are all entitled to one. Does not make this person correct or that person wrong.

Sure the MVC is the best but that does not mean I feel the need to be there, I simply have little to no interest in most of the schools. I have no interest in watching even a minute of the title game.

We have made the play-offs without being in the MVC.

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Yes, in the NCAA had to actually pass a law they call the Tressel law to add strength of schedule. How embarrassing was thst?

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: Cimo7 on December 18, 2022, 08:31:27 AM ---
--- Quote from: goodnews on December 17, 2022, 09:59:36 PM ---Without Tressel you don't have 4 Championships
Without Tressel you aren't in the MVFC
Without Tressel there's no WATTS
Without Tressel there's no Don Constantini Multimedia Center and additional Loges on the Westside of Stambaugh
Without Tressel Wick Ave and 5th Ave beautifications don't exist
Without Tressel there's no Center for Innovation in Additive Manufacturing
Without Tressel there's no Watson Team Building for the Engineering School
Without Tressel there's no Jim and Melissa Dibacco Family Leadership Center
Without Tressel you don't have Cafaro Family Field
Without Tressel it's hard to fathom where the university would be academically and financially without his return. 
Without Tressel the Youngstown Foundation wouldn't be where they are today

I don't know Strollo and you have every right to defend him and his accomplishments. However, it's pretty clear who the most important employee at YSU has been in the last 50 years.  Love or hate the guy he is a winner.

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Yea it’s pretty hard to argue with what Tressel has done for this university. Especially since his return as president. Defend Strollo all you want but you’re reaching a bit to say he’s been more important than Tressel lol

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You can insert Ron Strollos name in place of Tressel and just about every single thing you put on your list I mean every single one. Not to mention all of the buildings on campus that weren’t there 15 years ago 20 years ago 30 years ago all of which she’s responsible for I mean why are you saying they’re trying to argue between two great employee benefactors of the University, but don’t discredit one to give more credit to the other. And then can you people not see the campus is twice as big as it used to be because of athletics and athletic expenditures?

So it was just a coincidence all of these things were built while Tressel was the President?  The facilities across from Stambaugh on 5th Ave were a master plan which was part of Campus 2000 back in the 90s.  I'm sure Strollo was responsible for the financing and bonds to build many of the olympic sport facilities.  However, I find it amazing that after 15 years on the job Strollo got major donors to step up all of a sudden from 2015 until now.           

So basically the excuse is where and how? I have posted a previous thread on schools that are trying to find a where and how?  One of the AD’s said yes it’s a bold plan to move up.  But you need to think bold to get it done.
I have said maybe we need to create our own conference. Yes it would take time. But wtf.  We wasted 25years in a league that is a great fit geographically and for recruiting.  Wolford said this time after time.  Instead of playing 2 bs teams a year play an extra money game.  Or let’s be a bigger fish in a different conference. Instead of being the Vanderbilt or Missouri of our conference.  We will never get past North Dakota 0r the other Dakota.  At least not consistently.  You guys all keep making fun of The MAC but I don’t see them wanting to drop down to play in the SEC of FCS they know it’s a losing proposition exposure and money wise.


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