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Men's basketball

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Penguin Nick:
Watched the game on tv, was surprised at how at times they played out of control.  Was shocked at their shot selection at the end of regulation and in overtime, each time they had a lot of time on the clock and chugged up horrible shots.  They had this game won and blew it.  Extremely disappointed.   

Ironically, our women found themselves in the exact same situation in the last thirty seconds on the same floor this evening. With the game tied, the play that Barnes drew up did not work. So when it was obvious that things had gone wrong, one of our players did something remarkable.  She actually called timeout with three seconds left on the shot clock instead of firing a wild shot. Imagine that. Using a timeout to escape a jam.  Barnes drew up a new play, we got the ball into Ritz, and she scored what would be the winning basket.

I don't know how Calhoun can face his players after his coaching blunders on Thursday.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on December 02, 2022, 11:57:49 PM ---Ironically, our women found themselves in the exact same situation in the last thirty seconds on the same floor this evening. With the game tied, the play that Barnes drew up did not work. So when it was obvious that things had gone wrong, one of our players did something remarkable.  She actually called timeout with three seconds left on the shot clock instead of firing a wild shot. Imagine that. Using a timeout to escape a jam.  Barnes drew up a new play, we got the ball into Ritz, and she scored what would be the winning basket.

I don't know how Calhoun can face his players after his coaching blunders on Thursday.

--- End quote ---

That was a big game for the women, they were down 7 when I turned it on. They got it done!


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