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Men's basketball

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Now we have to go to Wright state who is most likely going to rebound from loss to RMU.   Scary. We just as a program struggle to beat Wright St.    Possibly another loss leaving us 0-2 to start league play

Double ET:
Bad coaching and bad decision by Covington for not calling a TO on the in bound turn over at the end of the regular time. At first, I thought they didn’t have any TO left. They actually had 3 left.
I believe that cost us the game.

Not good League start.

Not calling a TO didn't cost us the game.  Defense did us in.

Disappointing loss.  To put that much effort in and give the gave away late is tough.  NKU made big shots every time it looked like YSU was starting to get in control.  For whatever reason, YSU cannot beat NKU; that's 10 losses in the last 11.  24 turnovers is ridiculous.  That's one thing this team really needs to cut down on and you'd think with an older and experienced team, this wouldn't be an issue.

And I understand holding for the last shot, but it just seems like YSU continually lets too much time go off the clock before they even consider getting in their offense.  As much as I love DC, it just feels like time and time again when he has the ball for the last shot nothing good has come from it. 


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