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Football Offseason Discussion

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The YO Show:
So... this thread is regarding offseason recruiting efforts, transfers, coaching changes, any other relevant thing to discuss.

I got nothing to start with other than a comment. Wonder if the staff will look to try to get D'Juan Waller from Chaney as a recruit at Safety? I know he had some offers from much bigger schools but he hasn't committed to any yet, and while it is obviously unlikely he would want to come to YSU, it would be worth a shot?

The YO Show:
Additionally, with already having Massillon's kicker, maybe we could get Ardell Banks? The wideout from Massillon.

Prior to this season, a quarterback who was a traditional passer had little reason to consider YSU.  First Pelini and then Phillips seemed committed to "dual threat" quarterbacks. With the insertion of Davidson into the lineup, that has now changed. YSU now could be attractive to a strong passer as Phillips has proven he will use a balanced offense.

The biggest mystery for next season is the status of the running backs. Nobody will replace Jaleel, but can any of the five freshmen running backs on our roster demonstrate that they can play in this conference?

Would They want to try to flip the qb from West branch ?   YSU > Eastern Illinois.

Anyone know anything about the South Range QB?


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