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Why they would choose us for the playoffs

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The YO Show:
In the selection show, the committee chair was saying UD was "safe". Wow. So, Sac State is getting shafted. Should have been the number 1 seed over SDSU because Colorado State and Navy are both bad FBS teams. Sac State went undefeated this season including a win over Colorado State. While Navy is better than colorado state, it isn't good enough to justify UD when UD lost 3 out of the last 4.

Do you all remember the excuses from years ago?

1.You can't lose your last game in November: We won five of the last six games. And won the last game in November

2.  You have to have win at least seven games: We've been left out when we had eight wins.

3.  The strength of the conference matters: Clearly they thought the conference was strong, because two of the teams in the conference are seeded. Yet we were not considered.

It's all politics.  I just thought they would be the adults in the room to realize that you've got a pretty good story if you want to promote FCS.

I think the real question needs to be: if we had won eight games would we have been in? Or if we would have won eight games in North Dakota would have won seven, Would North Dakota have been in?

It's a moving target, and the only time we get in is when we are dominant enough to make it to the semifinal or NC game, which is what we do when we get in.  They let all of the pretenders in every single year.


--- Quote from: The YO Show on November 20, 2022, 01:21:23 PM ---In the selection show, the committee chair was saying UD was "safe". Wow. So, Sac State is getting shafted. Should have been the number 1 seed over SDSU because Colorado State and Navy are both bad FBS teams. Sac State went undefeated this season including a win over Colorado State. While Navy is better than colorado state, it isn't good enough to justify UD when UD lost 3 out of the last 4.

--- End quote ---

That's their admission that it is rigged

The YO Show:
Look, as sad as I am that YSU isn't in, YSU would have been a lock with yesterday's win had they won against Missouri State. That was what sealed this for us. In reality, wins against ND, NDSU or MO State would have been all that was needed and all were achievable. To be frank, I knew we were likely out when we lost last week. Shouldn't have lost that game... the bedlam of other bubble teams losing yesterday was the only thing that gave me hope, but I still knew it was a longshot. Simple, win and you're in

Even if we beat Missouri State to go 8-3, they still would have found a way to shaft us!


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