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Why they would choose us for the playoffs

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--- Quote from: IAA Fan on December 02, 2022, 03:06:22 PM ---
--- Quote from: guinpen on November 30, 2022, 08:48:45 AM ---Having the winner of the Pioneer conference getting an auto bid is akin to giving every player on every team in a pee wee soccer league a participation trophy.

The winner of the MAC does not deserve a spot in the play-offs over Penn St, Alabama or OSU why would it be different in 1-AA?

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Well in 4-years the winner of the MAC does get a play-off spot.

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Why does that not surprise me?


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 27, 2022, 02:00:46 PM ---
--- Quote from: Wick250 on November 20, 2022, 05:28:04 PM ---Reading these comments, the only thing that surprised me is that some of you are surprised. The NCAA selection committee has been a corrupt institution for decades. The NCAA organization really does not care about IAA/FCS football.  They know this system is flawed but have failed to fix it for generations.

If the NCAA were interested in running an honest playoff, they need do only three simple things.

First, eliminate the conference ADs and staff the committee with about five retired, well-respected football people who no longer had any institutional affiliation.  And pay them well for their service.

Second, publish for all to see the criteria that will be used for at-large selections.  And stick to that criteria.

Third, and most importantly, how the five-man committee release a power ranking of all teams with a .500 or above record after the games on the first Saturday of November.  And make it clear that the at-large bids will come from that list.  You may or may not like your position, but you would know exactly where you stood. And the possibility for corruption would dramatically decrease.

That is what the NCAA would do if they cared.  They don't.

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Conference winner absolutely, positively must ALL go. Other wise you have a few "super conferences" and a bunch of schools that cannot recruit against them.  There were two problems this year:

1. YSU in no way, shape, or form was a play-off caliber team.
2. There was a clear cutoff. We lost to everyone above us in the conference, except the #1 team in the nation with auto-bid which we did not play. Our problem was not losing to MO State, it was losing to North Dakota. Simply put, they took our spot. Now with their first-round loss to a Big Sky club (although a very good team) ND has set the MVFC's future for years to come.

Another big issue was the additional conference. Having both the ASUN and Big South 'eats up' another bid. IMO, The NCAA's expansion rules were not properly followed.

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Maybe this should be discussed.  Montana and Delaware were blown out today.  YSU played NDSU WAAAAY closer than Montana AND we d
Played half the game with Crenshaw.  We scored with Davis and closed the gap.  Let's just call f***ing bullsh** when we see it.

Just calling out the woefully uninformed.

The YO Show:
Question for all, given the cfp will allow the 6th highest ranked conference champions into the CFO when it expands, why wouldn't it be a good idea for ysu to join the Mac? I'm confident that YSU could play for a Mac championship. Just look at the Mac teams this year that made the championship game.
Would give ysu an even bigger stage. Granted I realize alot would go into that move, but why not?

Why not?  Money!


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