YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Mo St game thread

<< < (10/13) > >>

Again, losing to a 3-6 team is a CHOKE JOB!  You apologists need to stop making excuses for this underachieving program.

Had a surprise visit from the grand kids so I missed most of the game. But from what I was able to listen to it sure was not one of our better games.

Have not had the barrage of calls for firing folks the past couple of weeks, (which was nice) but understand why they are back. Actually, they do not bother me as it tells me fans are interested enough to care.

How we play next week will tell me a lot.


--- Quote from: goodnews on November 12, 2022, 07:30:45 PM ---Again, losing to a 3-6 team is a CHOKE JOB!  You apologists need to stop making excuses for this underachieving program.

--- End quote ---


To be honest that last offensive series the wheels came off from the play calls to Davidson not making the correct decisions with the ball and we were not prepared for that situation. That falls on the HC.  We probably needed to call timeout before we messed up.  I would have loved to hear the conversation between the coaches on those play sequences.  We panicked and werent prepared.  But Davidson looked like a nervous nelly back there.  If we could have hit the middle it was open for the pass there it looked like we were looking to the sidelines and outside the hash.  But those last 3 play calls were plain stupid. 

Choke!!  Plain and simple. Terrible play calling. 2 and 5 from inside their 15 and again we try stupid fade throws that were weak and terrible instead of running it 3 TIMES!! Terrible. Had to get rid of entire offensive visching staff.


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