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Men's Basketball Home Opener against UTM

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     Let's not permit enthusiasm to supplant rational thinking.  A bit of reason and logic may help manage expectations. 

     Canisius is ranked 301 of 363 Division 1 teams by Saragin.  UT Martin is ranked 317 of 363.   Defeating the 317th ranked team at home is not exactly a quality win. 

     We may want to give this team an opportunity to earn respect before bestowing it summarily.   

     YSU has climbed into the 215th position (the 41st percentile).  We have a ways to go.  Let's see what Sunday brings.     

chezmustache Telling me that a my beautiful wife looks equiavlant to a rottwieler.

Double ET:
IMO, YSU ‘s 215 rating is not indicative of how good or bad we are. It’s because we have beaten two teams only ranked 301 and 317.
We will have to wait till after the ND game to gauge how we are. Does anyone remember how we were ranked at the end of last year? I think this team is better than the team of last year.

IAA Fan:
I think MudClods and Mustache are right on. Neither is saying how good/bad we are, just that we need to see how we play against someone real. We do not look like a single unit out there.

But we beat both handily.   Canisius wasn't even that close until the end and same with win over UTM.   I think we got a good shot at upsetting ND Sunday.   They lost lost to Radford last nite.


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