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Illinois St vs Youngstown St. Game day thread

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IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: penguinpower on November 06, 2022, 09:14:27 AM ---Why the Nazi censorship that can help people?  Whomever deleted those posts suffers from cognitive dissonance.  It's not political, they are facts people are facing and has an impact on the game and the fans.  Whatever loser.

--- End quote ---

It has no impact on the game whatsoever. Who do you think you’re fooling other that many dumb people? There’s a general BS section down at the bottom of the board put it there absolutely nothing and I mean absolutely nothing but YSU sports goes in this board. Nothing else

There is a thread for sports and a thread for non-sports, everyone should be happy about that.

Yep back to sports Go YSU!!!

Unbelievable win again! But luck follows better teams and seems to go against weaker team. We know about both sides of that equation. MD can make some outstanding throws when the protection is good and he sets his feet and at times has trouble with blitzes and strong pressure. But so do most all QBs. Our O line disappointed me on Saturday, but are way better this year than last. Blitz pick up is shaky and number 8 is not big enough to provide a strong extra hand. And when we go empty backfield we are inviting a blitz and strong pressure. Still need more growth there. On D our D line seems good, but we sure fell for the QB option around the ends. Not sure who's responsibility it is, but they missed it often. Our pass rush is ok and coverage is at times also, but we have trouble with tall receivers and our shorter D backs in coverage. We need a few more of number 2 in the D backfield to cover the taller receivers. And our zone coverage is mostly not that great. But we do enough to win and the players don't give up. The coaches are building as can be seen with our results later in the year. Sure wish we had MD as the starter all year to get the experience he needs. But he has done great under a tough situation. Now we need to clean up some of the errors and get two more good showings and wins.


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