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UND Game thread

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The former players.  This is how executive interviews are done to a similar degree in large corporations.  You have the committee vote on the hire vs having a single person or small group that call the shots that includes bias.


--- Quote from: penguinpower on October 10, 2022, 10:09:53 AM ---The former players

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--- Quote from: IAA Fan on October 10, 2022, 07:04:58 AM ---
--- Quote from: penguinpower on October 09, 2022, 05:19:48 PM ---
--- Quote from: goodnews on October 09, 2022, 05:11:47 PM ---MEDIOCRITY has overcome this program.  We lose and we think we have found our new QB?  Sadly, there isn't a D1 QB on the current roster.  Our remaining schedule includes 3 home and 3 away games.  Sadly, another losing season is in the cards.  All the while James Madison enters the top 25 in FBS.

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Patience.  Did you hear what was said in the pregame show.  I was very surprised.  Any takers?

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...and who are they playing? The conference they left has far superior oppsition to the competition they now face. Appy State is the only decent team that they have faced and they almost lost. You know that we would expect a win there for any team in the MVFC.

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At the beginning of this year, what were your expectations of this team?  They were beaten badly last year by many teams.  What were your expectations of Crenshaw?  We knew that he was a running back that was playing QB and he was a Pelini recruit.  The reality is that we've improved and and we are competing at a higher level.  Did you think we were going to win a NC or the conference this year? 

We need 2 more years of solid recruiting to turn this thing.  Many of the kids playing now are going to be outstanding once they get another year in the weight room and they are backed with solid recruiting behind them. 

Then we have to get a QB.  That's got to be the priority this off-season.  AND now that we have a much better surrounding cast, that critical position will be easier to get because the QB's that are available will know that he's going to be protected and they have a chance win immediately. 

Think logically and don't let your expectations get out in front of you.  We are better and we are getting better.  Maybe there has to be some coaching changes too, but at the end of the day, there's a higher level of competitive excellence overall
When we played Kentucky tough it seems that everyone got out  over their skis a bit. 

They are building a program that doesn't need flash to win.  They are building a program that will line up and run you over.  Just like the best teams in the conference.  We should have won that game in Saturday, but we aren't mature enough as a collective team to overcome mistakes. They will learn from this.  We are also turning heads in the conference because they know we are 1-3 years away from being contenders.  Nobody wants to play us.  Nobody.  They are going home beat up and bruised after playing us.  We are doing the hitting and it's showing up late in games which is a great sign.  Everything is pointing in the right direction.  Ron Potesta was placating the people that were calling into the 5th quarter show when he said the time to win is now.  He's wrong.  We only need to win games we are expected to win and steal a few this year but playoffs mean nothing if you  aren't going to be a contender anyway. 

I feel as if the offense is somewhat of a liability.  I have zero confidence we can move the ball against good teams.  UND has a bad defense but when they sent the house they got in the backfield and our inexperienced QB didn't handle the situation correctly.  An average QB needs more time to make vertical throws.  An excellent QB does not need as much time, and does a good job creating time to make the vertical pa$$ing game a threat.  We have an average QB right now and he doesn't have the time to get the ball down field.  In addition, the accuracy and reads are not consistent.  The OL needs another year and they can make the QB look better.  While MD is playing better than Crenshaw at the moment, he doesn't have the arm to push the ball down field accurately like Hunter Wells could.  So no matter how you slice it, we are playing in a phone booth and everyone is going to crowd the LOS.  This will help make the OL better as the year progresses. Once we have that threat at QB and more improvement on the OL, their jobs will get easier and they will be super experienced in picking up the blitz and dealing will a loaded box, because they are dealing with it now.

Just my $.02

Maybe Paladin I-AA should be allowed back to the board.  The evidence says he's been correct.  It's long overdue.  AND he's correct on the monster recruiting class that Phillips brought in this year.  He isn't projecting many wins because his assessment is also correct in that Phillips needs to shore up this class with another one or two behind it.

Take that for what it's worth.

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: penguinpower on October 10, 2022, 11:26:01 AM ---Maybe Paladin I-AA should be allowed back to the board.  The evidence says he's been correct.  It's long overdue.  AND he's correct on the monster recruiting cla$$ that Phillips brought in this year.  He isn't projecting many wins because his a$$essment is also correct in that Phillips needs to shore up this cla$$ with another one or two behind it.

Take that for what it's worth.

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The moderators of this forum should apologize to Paladin and beg for his return. His insights are more accurate and more interesting than any other contributor on this forum as well as the local media.


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