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NDSU Game Thread

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I am not going to trash Crenshaw.  He is in an impossible situation: a running quarterback who is absolutely NOT ALLOWED TO RUN! Unbelievable and pathetic!

Here is a history lesson that a few of you might have heard about. In 1975, Narduzzi's first season, he installed a veer offense that required his quarterback to run the option repeatedly.  His quarterback was Cliff Stoudt, the traditional passer who had led the team to our first playoff appearance in 1974. Naturally, it was an abysmal failure. Narduzzi could not win until he found his veer quarterback in 1977.

This is the same freakin' thing but in reverse order. Allow Crenshaw to run 20 times.  Have him run many options with Jaleel.  Have him pass off play action and not from the pocket where he is inept. If in the spirit of Narduzzi you are stupid enough to insist on traditional quarterback play, then put in Davidson.

Wick you are right.  Good coaches coach to a players strengths and adjust to it.  If Crenshaw is a Michael Vick wannabe then do what Virginia tech did build the offense to his running abilities and dummy the offensive scheme up.  He was told to read one side of the field and no more than look at his first two options then RUN.

Who knows what is going to happen at the QB position our our Offensive play calling? Both need significant improvement. But I remember being on the sideline at the Fargo Dome and watching us get beat with the forgotten QB inserted to start that game, Hunter Wells. We lost but we got our footing and made the National Championship game. Hope DM can do the same this year. Remember that our run game scares everyone. So the pass game should be there. Somehow our wide outs are rarely open. Our O line is lacking, but improved from last year. Hopefully our coaches are up to the job and get our pass game going to take the heat off our run game.  As a YSU fan I am hoping for the best for us.

We need to give Mitch a try at least a few games under his belt.   Would have been nice if he could have started this game it could have been much different.   Oh well looks like another losing season at 5-6,

To be fair, Mitch should have had 2 pick 6's.  He was lucky


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