YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Kentucky Game!

<< < (9/20) > >>

Not going to be kind here. Yes it’s an SEC team.  Kudos to the new D coach give him a raise.  Give a sh**bag to the offensive coach’s and the HC the offense playbook and game plan is not D1 grade.  The QB experiment with Crenshaw so far gets. D-.  We didnt devise a way to try to even be competitive let alone try to win.  Someone said why can’t we be like Appy state or all the other schools we used to be beat that beat D1 schools and moved up.  It’s called recruiting and good coaching and we lack both. Since Wolford we have slid so far .  So far what I have seen with this guy.  All BS so far.  Changing culture etc.  Then play to win that would be a start.  This is like watching the titanic movie and the band is playing while the ship is sinking as the captain is drinking his cup of tea.  So sad.

Well that should've been 6, yikes.

Should have challenged that!

The YO Show:
That was a BS call. Possession in end zone is a TD.

The YO Show:
I still cannot believe that wasn't ruled a TD


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