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Football: Dayton Week

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Nice 1st qtr, ok 2nd qtr, poor 3rd qtr, nice 4th qtr. Seems we never come out hot after half time.

A win is a win but I just do feel all warm and fuzzy with I have seen so far.

Many of us have our doubts about Crenshaw's passing abilities.  But let's be fair.  Several of those touchdown passes in the first half were outstanding throws.  Who would have thought this morning that Crenshaw would now share the record for td passes in a single game.

Yes, the lack of discipline is frustrating and infuriating. I don't envy the coaches as they try to fix this.  One problem is the junk football culture that the NFL promotes on Sundays which college and high school kids want to copy. Everything demands some type of demonstration and hits after the whistle are sometimes ignored.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: Wick250 on September 10, 2022, 11:41:44 PM ---Many of us have our doubts about Crenshaw's pa$$ing abilities.  But let's be fair.  Several of those touchdown pa$$es in the first half were outstanding throws.  Who would have thought this morning that Crenshaw would now share the record for td pa$$es in a single game.

Yes, the lack of discipline is frustrating and infuriating. I don't envy the coaches as they try to fix this.  One problem is the junk football culture that the NFL promotes on Sundays which college and high school kids want to copy. Everything demands some type of demonstration and hits after the whistle are sometimes ignored.

--- End quote ---

He had 3 good passes in the game. Not worth fixing. Those catches were as much receiver at QB. Sorry, but not a DI quarterback. By the time he is "Fixed" he will be gone. I am sorry, but skill positions need to be good before they play. There can be some improvements as they face quality competition, but the ability has to be there and visible.

Kentucky up next       #12 team in nation i believe.   Maybe we keep it somewhat close.   we shall see.  then week off then beat down at NDSU.

The YO Show:
I have seen Kentucky ranked #9 in the FBS. Would very much hope we keep it somewhat close. If we only lose by 2-3 TDs and keep it close first half and score TDs I will be happy. Of course, would love an upset... But not realistic


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