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Duquesne GameDay Thread

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Final score is misleading, I did not see any improvement in either line no pressure on their qb until the fourth. Our qb play needs to improve.

They did have a bad fourth qtr, not sure if they wore out or just got rattled.

Not sure why they punted the last two times, like they gave up.

Certainly happy with the win, but we are not where we need to be,

Double ET:
I am also happy with the win. But, I didn’t see much improvement with our QB play and our D still couldn’t put much pressure on their QB. Crenshaw still had trouble with the long passes down field.

Hope #8 can stay healthy all season.

Yeah…hate to say it but Crenshaw is NOT the one. Several times on sidelines Tomczak was working with him.  Seems a little late for that.  Still a firm believer that DP needs more time to get more players but gonna be a long year again.

We are deeper.  As of right now DL is average but deeper.  Back up players are better than last year's players.  We won with our depth. The game came to a point where they just couldn't stop the TB
The soft zone was not good, but it allowed the LB position to create turnovers.  We need more recruiting and some better coaching on defense.

The QB needs to set his feet like he did in the second half of last year. He clearly wasn't doing that today.  Throwing off balance made him inaccurate.  We were lucky we didn't have turnovers.


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