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YSU Baseball

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They talked about buying up the houses on the block and building a baseball stadium on Harrison Field across the street from MVR but that never happened and I think it will be Eastwood or nothing forever.

The best spot for baseball would be the M70 lot, but no way to justify the loss of parking for FB and BB M+W games just to play 20 some baseball games.

Harrison would be second best but away from all the other sport venues on campus.

Eastwood is a nice venue and better that nothing but on campus would be so much better.

Maybe Baseball is just not in the cards.

Unfortunately, the university was unable to acquire all the property between Fifth and Belmont and between Lincoln and the service road. We could have constructed an awesome sports complex that served baseball, track, soccer, softball, lacrosse, and tennis. The opportunity for an on-campus baseball facility is now gone. The facilities that have been squeezed into the available space are fantastic.

There is one other possibility, not on campus but on the edge of downtown. There is one more large tract of former steel mill property just east of the South Avenue bridge, opposite side of the Covelli Center. That land could house an all-turf baseball field that could accommodate YSU, high schools, and amateur baseball during the summer. I wonder if anybody ever gave that some consideration.

Saw where Wright State lost their first two games in the NCAA Tournament. First Game against Virginia Tech 15-9 and the elimination game 11-9 against Gonzaga. Scored enough runs to win, but the pitching was not up to those team’s hitters. Gives an idea of where we are as a D1 baseball team against the big schools.  We were fortunate this year to have some success against some of the big schools. But our games against the big schools were mostly against the other teams non weekend pitching. To be fair we used mostly non weekend pitching also. We did ok fielding a somewhat competitive team with a limited budget except for our losses in the portal. Will need to see how we do in the portal this coming year.

As for a new field on or near campus, that seems like a long shot at best these days of declining enrollment. Need to hope we can maintain where we are in all sports under difficult financial times.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: Wick250 on May 30, 2022, 09:36:38 PM ---Unfortunately, the university was unable to acquire all the property between Fifth and Belmont and between Lincoln and the service road. We could have constructed an awesome sports complex that served baseball, track, soccer, softball, lacrosse, and tennis. The opportunity for an on-campus baseball facility is now gone. The facilities that have been squeezed into the available space are fantastic.

There is one other possibility, not on campus but on the edge of downtown. There is one more large tract of former steel mill property just east of the South Avenue bridge, opposite side of the Covelli Center. That land could house an all-turf baseball field that could accommodate YSU, high schools, and amateur baseball during the summer. I wonder if anybody ever gave that some consideration.

--- End quote ---

I thought that I saw where the Women's Sports Complex was still planned in that area. As you said, space is tight again.


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