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YSU vs Oakland

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Good posts from everyone that have touched on what I was thinking.  Mud,that's bush league what the Horizon is doing to UIC unless there's some sort of breach of contract that we're no privy to.

Love the way Olison and Cohill are playing.   Olison can hit the 3 but he's really efficient scoring around the rim. I would bet that he has the highest vertical on the team.   Cohill can get down hill fast and use either hand going to the hoop and now he's been showing a more consistent three ball.

Hunter is an X factor.  It's a big bonus when he's making shots that makes the defense more pressured.  He has that high release point that looks like when he gets set that he can bury the shot at will especially around 15' and in.

Owen Long has played good lately and I think that he has to put in his mind that he has to be on the attack and good things will happen.

The Mayes/Chicone point guard play was good last night.  Luke made some great passes.  His best basketball is ahead of him and that's exciting.    Will Dunn was quiet last night.  Look forward to seeing him stay confident and have some more big games.
Where was Chris Shelton?   With Oakland playing zone I thought he would get some minutes.

Had a chance to watch the game this afternoon, very good effort. Good to see them hang tough to the final buzzer. Good win against a good team.

About UIC, it is my understanding that the league contract requires 1 year notice when leaving the league. UIC did not do that so  that's life!

YSU really needs to care of business on the home court these next four games!

Yes it appears UIC didn't give proper notice and according to the Horizon League all of the schools agreed to that including UIC.

Olison's vertical is amazing, and Cohill's speed has impressed me from day one.  Seems like this team is jelling.

Hate to keep bringing it up, but imagine where this team might be if Covington was still playing.  I really think they could be competing for the championship.

Hunter of late has been playing like how I thought he would coming off last year.  He's got a great mid range shot.

WOW UIC beat CSU at Cleveland tonight.  PFW keeps winning.  Even winning 5 straight, YSU is still basically the 7th seed as they are tied for 6th but PFW won both games; however 3rd place Oakland has the same amount of wins as YSU, but 2 less losses. It's crazy that Detroit has played 5 less games than some teams.

Shelton struggled early in the year and then got going there for a bit, but seems to have struggled again when he was playing.  He led the nation I believe in 3-PT shooting last year at nearly 49% but has been under 33% this year.  He doesn't seem like he has a lot of speed and not great on the defensive end so with him struggling shooting the ball, I'm sure that's why he hasn't been playing of late and then throw in more mins for Will Dunn, Chicone, and Hunter again.  Coach did say him and Jamir need to be ready to go the rest of the weekend.  With 3 games in 5 days, you'd think he'll be getting some mins.

And Of course, Right on cue they choke the Robert Morris game away


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