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YSU Mens game v, N. Kentucky

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Can't believe the uncontested layup on the last play. It would seem like that play would be practiced in the 1st week of practice since it happens so often. Too many of our players are not well enough prepared to play in crunch time when mistakes are so costly. We need a take charge player in crunch time like DQ or Naz or Garrett. How many games did we win in the past at crunch time with DQ driving to the basket? And our lack of inside presense is really apparrent; the last 2 games lost on offensive rebounds by the opposition. We are forced to play some that really are not an offensive threat so the other teams double up on our guys that can score. Michael A needs to stay inside to give us a chance and protect our scorers even if he doesn't score that much. Him at the 3 point line is not going to do it.

IAA Fan:
I initially thought the same thing YSU1, but I do not think they would have drove if there was only 1-sec left. They would have shot it from the cheap seats.

So much for the homestand.  Not sure of the direction of the offense.  Teams take away Akuchie as our 1st option and now we're dependent on outside shooting since their is no other option in the paint.  If Cohill is driving and finishing we're good but as of late he's been driving and forcing shots over bigger defenders and hasn't been as effective.
Last night Olison was hitting 3s but if he's off who steps up.   The bench was strong early this season and now there's little production.   If guys don't step up then we're looking at the bottom third of the Horizon.
There is a lot of basketball left but someting or someone needs to step up to change the direction of this team.

Double ET:
There was really no excuse for giving up the uncontested layup at the last play of the game in D-1 Basketball.
This one is only ranked second to the bone head play by Larson when he ran the guy over on the in bound play on their baseline 90+ feet from their basket when we were up 3 with less than 2 seconds. They made the FT and we lost in OT

Man up on inbounds play is elementary basketball. Everyone should have someone within arms length.  I guess the basketball IQ of this roster is non existent. Not to mention, many coaches call a timeout when they see how the opponent lines up. 


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