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2022 Recruiting Class

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--- Quote from: ysuseasonticket on December 17, 2021, 01:05:29 PM ---I talked to a buddy of mine from Hubbard and the OL that DP offered and then pulled it away from him is Alex Goodrich 6'5" 290 lbs and is one of the 5 WKBN blocks of granite this year.

He told me DP also offered TC Caffey RB from Hubbard a PWO offer, so did Ohio State and that's where he is going. If DP would have offered him more than just a PWO he would have been playing at YSU.

My buddy said DP already burnt that bridge to Hubbard. Hubbard's HC played for Tressel during the championship years. There was a connection there but not anymore from what my buddy told me.

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That's hard to believe TC Caffey was only offered a PWO at YSU.   I have no inside info on Alex Goodrich but he almost or did have a personal foul in most of his games at Hubbard.

According to my Hubbard buddy this all came out at the Trumbull County Player of the Year Banquet about TC Caffey and YSU's PWO offer to him. Everybody was pretty shocked by that. Caffey won that award. A lot of talk about YSU that night and most of it wasn't good from what I was told. Looks like Phillips burnt that Hubbard bridge.

I got no dog in this fight other than seeing some local talent getting a fair shot at YSU. I'm tired of seeing all the empty seats around me on the 50 yard line.

I heard Caffey is going to Ohio State on a PWO.

I was impressed by Caffey when I saw him play on television early in the season. I asked a friend who had played for YSU under Narduzzi about this kid.  I was shocked when he told me that Caffey could not play in the MVFC. Running over and around the weak opponents that Hubbard plays did not impress him.  Apparently, did not impress Phillips either.

I hope his parents have a lot of money so that they can support his unrealistic dream of playing for OSU. He should really just snatch any scholarship offer that he might receive.

Again local awards mean nothing.  High School football around here really is not very impressive, and college coaches understand this.

I was told Caffey has a 4.0 GPA at Hubbard High School. If Phillips felt that lowly about him as you have stated, maybe he shouldn't of even offered him the PWO at all wouldn't you think? What's that all about? That's not a good start to have with the local head coaches. I heard Hubbard's coach played for Tressel during the championship years.

I've been a season ticket holder for 41 years now (4 tickets) and I'm sick and tired of seeing all the people sitting around me slowly not coming back. It used to be fun down there, not so much anymore. I used to look forward to going to the games, now it's more like a chore. I can drive right in to the parking deck 20 minutes before kickoff. How sad is that?

Caffey is a 4.0 African American. Doubtful he is paying at OSU.  If local HS talent is weak, what does that say about the two locals that YSU did recruit; both at lower division programs.


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