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This is my 41st year as a season ticket holder. The only appreciation I ever received was a letter actually signed by Jim
Tressel on my 10th anniversary as a season ticket holder.

Not even a lousy "thank you" in the last 31 years since that letter.

Penguin Nation:
As I’ve noted before, after being a fan since the 1970s, I don’t necessarily mind the losing. Any program will ebb and flow.

I don’t even mind the AD’s extreme incompetence. I can deal with the inexplicable Slocum and Heacock contract renewals and the Ticketgates…even though that involved direct lies to the public.

What the death blow to my fandom was the recruiting of a convicted rapist.**


--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on November 18, 2021, 11:46:05 AM ---As I’ve noted before, after being a fan since the 1970s, I don’t necessarily mind the losing. Any program will ebb and flow.

I don’t even mind the AD’s extreme incompetence. I can deal with the inexplicable Slocum and Heacock contract renewals and the Ticketgates…even though that involved direct lies to the public.

What the death blow to my fandom was the recruiting of a convicted rapist. F—- you YSU administration you f—-ing scumbags. Go suck a bag of d—-s.

--- End quote ---

Yet, here you are...on the YSU Fan Forum spewing your BS like your buddy on the other website.  Clearly you weren't dealt a death blow....cause you're still here and have YSU in your name.  If you have such disdain for the "F****** YSU Adminstration, them F****** scumbags", then move along!!!  You're not needed here!!!  Get over yourself dude.

IAA Fan:
I have to agree with Soup here. Everyone talks like they know the details and none of us do; so who are we to judge? Worse have been on the team. I remember going to a practice where a player was "escorted" off the field during practice for an offense much worse that under-aged relations . The bigger YSU's athletic program becomes, the more stuff like this is brought to our attention...whether it is media coverage or the type of player recruited ... who knows? Probably both. The difference here is that your administration went public. Same thing with the weed and two of our top players during the play-off yet. How about the tragedy of Jermaine Hopkins?

It is nice to learn about things and something else to use it as a weapon to attack the school and administration. Besides, calling your AD & department "incompetent" makes you lose credibility.

You nailed it soup.



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