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The Feeling of Impending Doom

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Penguin Nation:
Jimmy...keep your anti-science, health-hating mask mandating a— the f—- out of FL.

We’ve been fine here for 20 months and counting...except for those who...you know...

Like someone said earlier DP along with his staff is on the cheap.  Its clearly on-the-job training.  And another thing, we aren't ever and repeat ever going to be talking about this staff at 8-2. 

IAA Fan:
Tressel was on-the-job training as well. Although he had a bit more position experience than Phillips. I also remember thinking JT was gone, as my father thought that and he was on the athletic committee. They did not renew JT a year early, which was the expectation. I was on the boarder, would not have cried had they let JT go, or kept him. So many of the people had wanted Rutigliano (Browns) or especially Faust (ND), when they eventually hired JT, that Tressel had a harder time getting support (his first few years) than he should have. I remember my dad and I talking on the way to the vote, knowing we were going independent would have made it very hard to find a quality candidate, while going into the MAC would have made it a breeze. Kind of 'the perfect storm'  scenario. As I recall, the vote to keep Tressel was very much in his favor at the end, like my dad said, more of a formality.

As to Phillips, I do understand that he had to field a team quickly and in hindsight, maybe skipping that spring season would have been a smarter move for YSU, but we had to have enough teams in the conference to keep schedules. Perhaps a winter in the weight room and Wedgewood Pizza, along with a good spring at practice might make the difference. This final game is going to mean a great deal to me. I am not convinced that Phillips offense will be that successful (with smaller backs and #10 at QB). When you only run with a single-back set, you cannot have both the faster and larger backs in together. So many fans are impressed by Davidson's arm strength and height advantage. Mitch is not completely immobile, as we were led to believe. Phillips will have to use much more in the way of 2-back sets this week if we are to have any chance at success and Davidson taking snaps. It's puts me in mind of  Ray Issac / Nick Cochran. Cochran was a better pa$$er, but a drop-back guy. Isaac was really under fire in 1991, after we had lost to Akron, Liberty and Delaware State.

Youngstown and the surrounding area has had a significant population decline over the last 30 years.  Tressel had a fertile  area (State of Youngstown) as it was known to recruit. Phillips doesn't have the luxury and if he can't recruit, he can't win.  Regardless  of the inept staff that has proven they're probably in over their heads.  End of story!

OK...time to chime in.  As with all coaches, I will give DP the time that it takes to build a program from scratch since that is basically what happened - three years. BP left the program in shambles as we all knew during his last year with the team, the product that was on the field could care less about winning or YSU football - a reflection on the coach and the staff that he assembled.

Many of you have short memories of the team folding and quitting on a regular basis.  DP walked into a program in demise and under NCAA violations. Regardless of how he got the job, I remember only one other viable candidate that is a graduate of YSU and current high school coach and many of you are complaining about lack of college experience of our current coach and staff??? This is who we have, this is who applied - plain and simple.

This team lacks depth, a problem inherited by DP! We have, maybe, 10-15 players that can play at this level and in this conference. That is not his doing. I will not pass judgement until I see his recruits and if he hits the portal for some transfers that can make an impact.  It will be difficult, but I do believe that the staff has been hitting the recruiting hard and doing it the right way - better than what we have had in the past several years where there was little recruiting and that players were expected to want to come play for BP. This program will get turned around in the off season if it gets turned around at all. Let's give him a full off-season to see if there are improvements with O and D line play!!  Strength, agility, feet, and just a damn hard nosed attitude is what is needed on the line.

Football in general has declined to lowly levels in this area.  Just look at the watered down divisions and the small schools that are still in the playoffs - if we have to rely on Springfield, South Range and West Branch for our recruits, we deserve to lose.  Nothing against those programs, but they might produce one player every 10 years that can play at this level.  Gone are the major big schools in Ytown, so forget the State of Youngstown, it is long gone. Have to make the university attractive to out of state players and with what has been happening on campus, that is starting to happen.  Tear down Kilcawley, redo buildings, make the place somewhere to come to and play football. The people in the area know what YSU has to offer, but people outside the state do not.

Budget - we have always been a low budget program, get over it. Too bad the money that came with DP didn't just go to the football program!!  That is what we have prided ourselves on for years - we are not the big dog in the game but we will give you a Youngstown Tune-up when you come in here - have to get that back.

Keep the players out of the tailgate lot before the game!  If you do allow it - don't let them wear headphones - interact with the crowd!! - pissed me off!!



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