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Mitch Davidson

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  Very small sample size with Davidson.  Yes, impressive, but the first TD pass was thrown up for grabs and should have been intercepted.  The last TD drive, SD ST had all their starters out.  Not being critical, but realistic.   I listened to Coach Phillips radio show on Monday and he hinted that Davidson will get more playing time, but he also led me to believe that Davidson is not a running QB at all and he prefers a QB who at least has a threat of running the ball.

Its called "reaching for straws"

I agree with all of the above statements, ie small sample size and subs in the game for SDSU.   

My point is compared to Craycraft who has a knee bace and has limited escapability, with our O line problems MD seemed to be able to move away from pressure and keep his eyes down field and give us a chance at a completion.  With our current O line issues our qb needs to be able to run the ball and have the ability to avoid the rush.  I think MD can do that better than JC.  I also think play action faking to 8 should be a standard part of our pass plays to help slow down the rush. Other teams all fear number 8 and we don't use him enough as a decoy in my opinion.  When Crenshaw was healthy and could do the option with 8, we were very productive on O. None of the other qbs I have seen can do that to the level of Crenshaw. And Crenshaw can throw a bit to keep them honest.


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