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We all know that our defense is not merely inadequate, it is terrible.  My question is how did this happen? Basically we are playing the same guys that performed at a surprisingly high level during the winter. And even if you consider the coaches to be incompetent, the same gang was calling the shots less than nine months ago. I have never seen a defense with so many returning starters deteriorate so rapidly and so completely. If anybody has an explanation, please share it.

As far as this game is concerned, SDSU seems to be having their own defensive issues when they play a good offense.  Of course, with Crenshaw either gone or neutralized by injury, our offense is now not much better than our defense. We are going to experience four horrendous weeks of football.

The Rabbits are coming off of a bad loss.  They know they still have an outside chance at a seed but also want to host a home playoff game.  Prepare for an ass kicking.  As I've said before, we need patience.  This is going to take time.

On another note, consider that last season was short and it was the first time the other Valley coaches got to see our schemes.  They are prepared and we are probably more banged up.  Bad combination.

  Crenshaw out for tomorrow.

Crenshaw and Davidson can throw the ball, probably better than Crenshaw. But they probably can't evade the rush nearly as well so with our O line troubles, we would seem to be in major trouble. This is especially true if we get into obvious passing situations like 3rd and long etc. Also without Crenshaw our running game will suffer since they only need to be concerned with 8. I hope the O coordinator is not totally predictable to help these qbs. Also would like to see the running back from Liberty who is bigger and stronger to help the run game and pass blocking. And when the rush get to the qb, lets not panic and throw interceptions like last week. We can't be so predicatable for us to have a chance.

Our D has not been good all fall. Hope they can do better tomorrow and help. Probably too much to ask for the offense to help them with long drives etc. On paper this looks bad from all angles.

Lets hope for a good game from all YSU players and coaches to keep the game interesting.


--- Quote from: Penquin68 on October 29, 2021, 07:05:40 PM ---Crenshaw and Davidson can throw the ball, probably better than Crenshaw. But they probably can't evade the rush nearly as well so with our O line troubles, we would seem to be in major trouble. This is especially true if we get into obvious pa$$ing situations like 3rd and long etc. Also without Crenshaw our running game will suffer since they only need to be concerned with 8. I hope the O coordinator is not totally predictable to help these qbs. Also would like to see the running back from Liberty who is bigger and stronger to help the run game and pa$$ blocking. And when the rush get to the qb, lets not panic and throw interceptions like last week. We can't be so predicatable for us to have a chance.

Our D has not been good all fall. Hope they can do better tomorrow and help. Probably too much to ask for the offense to help them with long drives etc. On paper this looks bad from all angles.

Lets hope for a good game from all YSU players and coaches to keep the game interesting.

--- End quote ---

Heard Becker and Yobue are both out also. I would agree. On paper looks bad. Can’t give up the big plays and be close in the 4th. If not. Early exits.

Go Guins!


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