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Penguin Nation:
SDSU favored by 17.5


Penguins hope to snap the streak of offensive possessions ending in a pick at 4. Please excuse the spelling errors in the write up by this higher learning institution.


No defense, no OL, and back up QB 17.5 may be a little low.

DWJ you forgot to include the coaching staff

I am looking for one of these potential playoff teams to look past the Penguins and get themselves in a trap game looking forward to a more important game the following week.  Granted, we have a long way to go but there is potential, as we have seen, for them to put 4 quarters together.  I think that is some of the only hope we have. Weather this Saturday looks miserable so maybe that will equal some things out.  Can only hope and keep looking at the positives each week.  I think there were spots all year that we played like a playoff team, just do not have the 50 players needed depth wise to run this further and allow the coaches to push the envelope on schemes and Xs and Os.  Just like the old football saying, "It's not the Xs and Os, but the Jimmy's and Joe's!"  Right now we don't have enough of the Jimmy's and Joe's to get the job done on a consistent basis.  We have to look to the portal in the off season, develop the talent we have and recruit like crazy!!


IAA Fan:
I don't know. I am not sure that any of these teams are used to more traditional YSU football, which is what we have with Craycraft, so if there is a chance of an upset, this week will be it.


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