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These people cant possibly fill the shoes of Wolford in recruiting.  He had a very good OL and Hess at QB (inherited).  Athletes all over the field and a number of marque wins.  Had he been allowed to stay things would probably be different. 


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on September 28, 2021, 06:06:37 PM ---It is just clear to me that Phillips is going the route of changing the team immediately and letting them struggle and eventually work into the system. Which is fine if you have 3-4 years to wait. Wolford tried it and he just never made it in time to keep his job. (although he handicapped himself with a lousy DC initially) Maybe I am just impatient and/or want a coach we cannot afford. Both of these are probably true to a degree.

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I think that Wolford was a decent recruiter and agree that his DC was a big handicap.  No one wants to wait 2-4 years to be great team, maybe DP is the guy maybe he is not, it is a killer to wait years to find out.

I just cannot understand why money is always an issue at YSU and not at other schools in our league, do we fund differently? Would a second money game make the difference?

I never said Crenshaw can’t be the answer.  But he is missing short and long and his throwing mechanics are bad.  I guess that’s why he wasn’t a 5 star recruit lol.  Teams are not going to let up.  Let’s get it fixed. 

Crenshaw wasn't being recruited as a QB. he didn't have any offers in 2019 and just YSU in 2020.  Athletic kid but need to be a  RB.


--- Quote from: Penguinesallin on September 29, 2021, 02:22:40 PM ---Crenshaw wasn't being recruited as a QB. he didn't have any offers in 2019 and just YSU in 2020.  Athletic kid but need to be a  RB.

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