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Western Illinois

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We pay Dollar General Salaries for our Assistants.  You get what you pay for.  We struck lightening in the bottle with JT it’s not going to happen 35 years later the economics and FCS has changed hell I think the year we won it there was like what 76 fcs teams etc.  Money talks and we don’t have it.

I agree that the melt down yesterday was unbelievable and bad. Here is what I see if you want to look at the glass half full. 

Our coaches are young and inexpiernced due to a lack of funding to hire more accomplished coaches. But I recall JT did the same thing with many of his assistants. And I recall coach Wolford hiring older experienced defensive coaches on the way down from a bigger program and they failed badly and cost him his job in many ways. The hope is we have good up and coming coaches who can grow into our needs.

Our players are not up to FCS standards in many cases, O and D line in particular. We get no pressure on the opposing QB and they get great pressure on our QB without blizes etc. Many times even with blitzes we don't get to the QB. Our QB has no time to read the field and look down field and we can't run the complex pass patterns that others run against us due to our lack of time in the pocket. We are not recriuting quick fix junior college players. We are trying to recriut high school players that can grow into FCS caliber O and D line players in the future. That is our current strategy. Suffer now for a brighter future. Our last coach left the cubbard bare I think. We will see if this stategy will work for us.

Our QB has potential but I think needs a break.  I would have put in Joe Cracraft in the 4th quarter to give Crenshaw a break from the pressure he was under.

Our play calling was poor in that I could tell what type of play we would run based on down and distance. No surprises by us, everything predictable. Very difficult for our QB to excell under those conditions. We can't depend on number 8 all the time when facing so many defenders up on the line etc. They sell out on the run and are correct most all the time. And can easily cover our recievers one on one. And no motion, just line up and go with predictable runs. And then try to pass in obvious passing downs.

On the 4th down play at the end, I would have run the QB instead of 8 due to his size and strength. Use 8 as the decoy there. And I would use some 2 back sets with Waid and 8 in at the same time. Have some power and speed for them to content with.

I hope for the best with our current team and coaches. The future will tell if the glass is half full or half empty.

Honestly, we should've just hired the Slipper Rock head coach (not sure he applied) and his entire staff.  We'd be better off now and in the future.  Its hard to believe the applicants were that weak for the job.   You cant convince me that any of these people will be successful here based on the MVFC schedule.  Please review the experience of the a$$istant coach who is the recruiting coordinator.  Did anyone bother to interview any of these coaches to see what experience they brought to the staff?   

And one last thing, its 2021 there is no such thing as a long rebuild.  You either have it or you don't.  With the transfer portal, 3 years is more then enough time to see if you have the program headed in the right direction.   

Last nights game was bad and the way they played getting up 35 -7 had us all thinking maybe we're better than we thought and then the beat down happened.   
I'm not dumping on the coach or staff this season since we all know this is a total rebuild and he needs to up grade in multiple areas.

I like Crenshaw toughness and he's like another running back as a qb but his mechanics are not there yet and I'm hoping with experience he can get to another level.  Not sure he's the guy but there's a lot of football to be played.   

The D-line needs an infusion of speed of the edge.  Hoping for a Derek Rivers type to show up.

  Patience is needed although I understand the emotions of last night debacle.

   When hired Phillips I said his resume did not warrant him getting this job.  He is in way over his head and so is his staff.  As for patience, give me a break.  5 years ago we were in the national title game.  We should not be losing regularly to Indiana St and Western Illinois.  I have a tremendous amount of respect For Jim Tressel as a coach and president of YSU.  But as for hiring coaches, not so much.  He made the call and overruled the committee several years ago to hire John Robic as basketball coach and Robic was a stiff.

 Tressel took the money from Bob Sebo and made this hire, period.   We are a joke, may not win another game.


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