YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Incarnate Word

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Still very much to be desired...

Special teams were a large part of this game, They missed an easy FG and EP and had a punt blocked.

Not happy that we had to use a TO before the the first play of second half, could have used it in our 39 second drive!

Double ET:

--- Quote from: YSUGO on September 03, 2021, 07:06:11 AM ---Clutch FQ by the kicker.  QB looked good but let’s see how he progresses now that there is game tape on him.  Where would we be without #8. Who calls the plays does Phillips?  I feel Kliacek is back lol!

--- End quote ---
For a while, I thought both Kliacek and Pellini were back on the sideline calling plays.

Their coaching was worse than ours. Going for it on 4th down on their own 30. Kicking the ball out of the end zone at the end of regulation with 39 seconds left. At times I thought they felt so superior to us that they could do anything they wanted at any time and ignore standards like running out the clock and going for it on 4th down on your own 30.

Our special teams were very good for rhe most part. I am not sold on our Australian punter, but McFadden has really elevated his game and looked like a top kicker. His kickoffs were good and the extra points and field goals were very strong looking compared to their guy. A missed short field goal, a missed extra point, and a blocked punt essentially gave us the game.

On offense they had people open everywhere and they had a strong running game. Their up tempo offense had us on our heals all night and we were trying to substitute on defense with mass confusion. And they were picking our coverage with all the motion etc. We need to get 8 in motion like they did and get him in space. Number 20 also. Use some of their schemes to get people open. Not sure if our O line could do what theirs did in protection to achieve what they did. Sure looked impressive to me.

Without 8 and 10 on offense we are in big trouble.  I like our qb, but we need to let him throw more. He can be a top qb in my opinion. Makes big plays under pressure, can run and throw well.

To much of our offense reminded me of our spring season. Won't pass no matter what and just run the ball. Makes it very difficult for our running game. We will see if these young coaches can grow into what is needed. I think they will recruit well in the long run which we desperately need. We will see.

Exciting game!  Definitely need to throw the ball on 1st down but I understand that coach wants to establish the run game and in this league you have to!  8 is a stud. Hands down!  10 is going to develop into a great QB. I would imagine that the defensive coaches were not looking forward to opening up with this passing team. Not sure that you can get ready for that in week one.  Special teams were great. Made the difference. Reminded me of Tressel ball. Win the special teams battle- the third part of the game. This team wants to play until the last snap!  Can’t argue with that. Has been missing for a long time. They want to win for the coaches and their team! 

Go Guins!


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